Research   Statement

How, as Isabelle Stengers asks, do we ‘listen to that which insists, obscurely?' My research is practice-based and process-led. It combines sound, installation, writing, performance and collaboration. Underpinning these subjects and forms is a commitment to environmental relations and affects: sounds and sites, traces and phenomena; how artefacts matter; how media becomes critical; how practice can be infused with play.

I’m interested in the documentary form and the ways technology, self and space perform agency, power and poetics. Fieldwork, its ethics and aesthetics, is therefore a site of ongoing research. In addition to environmental encounters, my work investigates the pedagogical scene of playback and analysis: the field and studio are knotted arenas in which listening forms a commons for sensing and sense-making.


Aurality [cultures, power, ecology]; nature/post-nature studies [subjectivity, rights, representation]; media ecologies [infrastructures, histories, justice]; performance [site-specific art, fictions, documentation]; technology [animals, geology, waste]