Go Live in the Middle of Nowhere. Article, 2020. Unlikely Journal.
Notes from an Unidentified Wildlife Sound Recordist. Article, 2020. SARU.
Post-Natural Sound Arts. Article (mixed media), 2017. Journal of Sonic Studies. Vol. 14.
The Thing About Microphones. Article, 2016. Leonardo Music Journal/MIT. Vol. 26: 60-63.
Ventricles. Article (mixed media), 2016. Continent Journal. Issue 5.3.
The Field Has Ears. Online Essay, 2016. British Library.
Tasked to Hear. Artist book and Soundwork, 2014. Corbel Stone Press.
Still Listening? (2014). Interference Journal.
Ecstatic Electric. Track contribution, 2014. Psyche Tropes: TROPES001 [triple vinyl].
Bio-critical Incidents. Track contribution, 2014. Sonic Terrain: STR16.
Severing All Ties. Essay, 2013. An Antidote to Indifference. Editor Cheryl Tipp. Vol. 6: 51-53. London: Caught by the River.
Whales, Dogs and Waves (panel). Royal Geographical Society International Conference, London (2023).
Micologies (invited speaker). Re-Wire Festival, The Hague (2023).
Listening to the Sonic Footprints of Practice (invited speaker). Walking Festival of Sound (2022).
When Mimicry is the Last Song Left (guest lecture). Oslo School of Environmental Humanities (2021).
Re-thinking Sonic Ecologies (paper presentation). Multimedia Encounters, University College London (2021).
Into the Wild (with Angus Carlyle). Climate Action and the Curriculum, University of the Arts, London (2021).
Sonic Cultures (with Salomé Voegelin). Science and Media Museum, Bradford (2020).
Audio Testimonies (conference chair). University of the Arts, Bournemouth (2020).
Listening-with the Lacunas of Media Archives (Collaborative Keynote). Sounding the Archive, Wellcome Collection (2019).
Becoming Listening Bodies: Soundwalking as a Pedagogy of Sensation (with M Gallagher & D Rousell). Arts Based Research & Provoking Research and Social Intervention, TATE (2018).
LOMA Keynote Chair (with J.R. Carpenter). University of the Arts, London (2018).
Inversions (paper presentation). Postcards from the Anthropocene, University of Edinburgh (2017).
The Thing About Microphones (paper presentation). Somerset House (2017).
Foleys from the Field (with Angus Carlyle). Liar Lyre, Welcome Collection (2017).
Geofictions (with Helena Hunter). Conflict Materials, Arts Catalyst (2017).
Noisy-Nonselves and the Apophenia of listening (artist talk). University of the Arts, London (2016).
Un-methods (paper presentation). Evolution of Methodologies, National Glass Centre (2016).
I is Another and Another (paper presentation). Promises of Monsters, University of Stavanger (2016)
In Conversation with Tove Kjellmark. Sølveberget Kulturhus, Stavanger (2016).
The Thing about Microphones (paper presentation). Sounding out the Anthropocene, Critical Media Lab, Basel (2016).
Guest Lecture. Contemporary Art Lecture Series, Northumbria University (2016).
Desired Futures (in conversation with Miguel Amado), MIMA (2015).
All You Monsters (in conversation with Angus Carlyle). IMT Gallery, London (2015).
I, the Thing in the Margins (performance lecture). Capturing the Real, City Museum & Art Gallery, peterbrough (2015).
Sounding Rites in Humanimentical Worlds (guest lecture). Oxford Brookes University (2014).
Asymmetries in the Field (paper presentation). Hearing Landscape Critically, Harvard University, Boston (2014).
Whistle Blowing the Field (paper presentation). Mapping the Field, University of Copenhagen (2014).
Sounding the Non-site of Sound (performance lecture). Revisiting the Quarry, Yorkshire Sculpture Park (2014).
Noise Summit (symposium chair). South London Gallery (2013).
Auto-dialogical Feedback. (paper presentation). Symposium on Acoustic Ecology, University of Kent (2013).
The Multiple Sites of Listening (performance lecture). Sensing Site, Parasol Unit 2013.
Stretching the Field (audio essay). In the Field, British Library (2013).
Veracity of Memory (artist talk). Centre for Possible Studies, Serpentine Gallery (2013).
Writing by others
Rogatchevski, Ilia (2017). Waste Not Want Not: Art and the Atom. The Quietus [online].
Needham, Jack (2017). Sculpting Sound. Red Bull Music Academy [online].
Yezbick, Julia (2016). A Conversation with Mark Peter Wright. Sensate Harvard [online].
Sutcliffe, Jamie (2016). Art and the Chthulucene. Art Monthly: 394.
Thomas, Nathan (2015). Nature is Actively Capturing Me. Journal of Wild Culture [online].
Carlyle, Angus (2015). All You Monsters. Exhibition Catalogue. ISBN: 978-0-9551449-8-1.
Jeffreys, Tom (2015). I, the Thing in the Margins. Learned Pig [online].
Voegelin, Salomé (2015). Paper Cuts. Wire Magazine: 371.
Voegelin, Salomé (2014). “Sonic Materialism: The Sound of Stones.” Sonic Possible Worlds. London: Bloomsbury, pp.99-102.
Skelton, Richard (2014). The Embracing of Failure. Corbel Stone Press [online].
Smyth, Cherry (2013). 30 Minutes of Listening. Art Monthly: 362.
Greslé, Yvette (2012). 30 Minutes of Listening. This is Tomorrow [online].
Pisano, Leandro (2012). Mark Peter Wright. Blow Up: 165.